Inegrating Static Libray written in Objective C to Swift iOS Project

I was looking for integrating my one of the Static library written in Objective-C into new swift project  & you know what I got very little information on it. I struggled alot to make my things working with Objc+swift integration for my project.

Here I will guide you through such integration

1. Suppose you have some static Library XYZ written in Objective-C

Add that library as subproject into your target project as descried HERE

Then we have to create Bridge-header which will make swift code to access Objective C part of your library.

You can just follow
Xocde -> New -> File
there you need to add header file (from iOS/OS X section)
be carefull whilte naming this file. this file should have name like

<product_module_name>-Bridging-Header.h : Default Product module name is project name itself.

you can read more about "Product module name" at Apple Docs

Now add import statements in <product_module_name>-Bridging-Header.h for accessing Native SDK Classes


If you have Project with name "sampleSwift" then your bridge file should look like

Background Pattern image to SKScene

Today we are going to see how we can add background pattern image to SKScene

Once, there was  requirement for one of project to set pattern image for SKScene background I tried with backgroundColor property of SKScene like

But it won't work.

So I wrote category to overcome this. Using this category of SKScene you can easily set background  pattern to SKScene without any pain.